the one where i have to give an elevator pitch about myself

Two first names, don’t wear ‘em out.

I’ll keep it simple: I’m a writer, a creative, an internal and external comms manager, a dog dad, a new dad, a Disney aficionado, and most importantly — a lover of em-dashes.

Whether it’s leading a team of creatives who sit across the U.S. or across the globe or gearing up to shoot, produce, edit and create press for new vehicle releases, I’m always up for a challenge. I’m no stranger to problem solving, just ask Jim Morrison and the crew in Moab about our 12 hour script and the giant reveal for the 2024 Jeep Wrangler (it’s in my book, go and find it!).

Into the nitty gritty though, I have over 8 years of copy and comms experience, with the last 4 leading teams on a cross-channel approach. I’ve been internal facing, external facing, and literally external facing all at the same time. It’s all advertising jargon, I know. But IYKYK. From the McCanns, to Publicis, and to my humble beginning at Campbell Ewald, I’ve honed in on my craft(s) of being a Copywriter, Art Director, Creative Director, Photographer, Videographer, Communications Manager, PR savant, an Executive’s Creative Reporter, and finally BBQ Pit Master in one convenient 6’2” package (6’3” in my Irish Setters). So use that form below if you wanna get in touch. Or don’t. I won’t force it.

But if you’re feeling like we could be a good fit, and you want me to be able to pocket $23 a month by taking down this portfolio to work for your company in a long-term stint, hit me up.

Please, I need my lunch money back in my pocket where it belongs.