the one where you stop the bad guy


What do you get when you mix two dudes who play too many video games with a social ask for a Facebook Instant Experience around a very Grand Theft Auto-y situation?

A made-for-Facebook video game…well, sort of.

Facebook’s Instant Experience (formerly Canvas) isn’t normally your place to play a video game. It’s typically a scroll through experience where you check out the latest digs from companies who are bold enough to purchase it. And what better way to introduce thumb-stopping content than to screw up the entire way Instant Experiences are built? Take a look.

Senior Art Director: Elmar Stewart
Copywriter: Justin Jacob


  • D Show 2021, Silver D — Creative Use of Media

  • D Show 2021, Best of Show/Black D — Mobile Advertising

D Show Link:


play it for yourself

This might work (no guarantees because the Facebook guys set it up to share) just be sure to use use your phone:




OnStar / Connected Services Content